Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Plantation shutters

Another quick update with loads of photos of the plantation shutters. The installers said they don't normally see dark colours with the majority of orders being white. However, we liked how the seaview display home had the dark colour so we opted for the same. Especially against the dark feature wall. Turned out well and matched our flooring nicely.



Home Theatre

Bedroom 2

There was a slight problem with the windows in bedroom 2. Because the wall wasn't bricked (the cedar panelling in the front fasade), the window frames was more narrow than usual. After the plantation shutters were installed, the lock levers and winding mechanism were totally inaccessible. Only solution was to hack the plantation shutter frames a little and shorten the lock levers. At least its all hidden away.


The window above the staircase really needed some covering, it's right opposite the neighbour's window and there is a full view of their dining room. Though there is always someone there so it might also double as their lounge? 

Bedroom 3

Bedroom 4

Bedroom 5

Main Bedroom

Walk in Robe

From my last post, the aim is to wallpaper every wall here so when the Ximula wardrobe system are installed, it will provide a lovely background.


  1. Hi love blog it's a great read so many questions :) we are about to start the peg out on our Rawson 36 in the next couple of weeks fingers crossed!
    Did you get Rawson to do the shutters or did you get another company to do them? And we're they expensive ?
    Cheers Andrew

    1. Didn't ask Rawson for a quote so I have no idea how much they charge for plantation shutters. We got ours from Floorworld casula where we initially got the bamboo flooring. For basswood it's about $300 per sqm installed. If you want PVC in white, it's a little lower.
