Finally some good sunny weather and the concrete can be poured and the stencils applied. Not possible to tell from these photos, but the windows on the ground floor all had 3M security films applied too. Out of 23 panels, only one door to the sliding stacker came out milky/cloudy. May have to ask them to redo it before the gaskets are installed.
View from Home Theatre |
Once dried, this is what it looks like. Can't wait for the front and driveway to get done.
View from Laundry |
Back wall |
Ramp behind Garage |
The Pakman parcel delivery box/mailbox has also been installed. Was a bit tricky trying to sort out how to place it in the fence but we got there in the end. Maybe a bit too wide, but there wasn't much room between the front gate and the driveway to have more pillars and any space for in fills. Hopefully, it will look like a feature pillar and not too weird.
Parkman Mailbox |
Looks great!